20 Photos to Inspire You to Visit the Galapagos

Lava Rock in the Middle of the Ocean

Last updated on June 23rd, 2019 at 04:57 pm

20 Photos to Inspire You to Visit the Galapagos

The Galapagos Islands are a truly magical place that will forever hold a special place in my heart. The dramatic landscape, the abundant wildlife, and the stunning beaches exceeded my expectations. There is so much written about the Galapagos, here and elsewhere, that I decided if would be fun to share with you my favorite photos from my time chasing sunsets on the Islands.

Sea Lion Pup
A Sea Lion Pup Coming to Say Hello on Puerto Chino Beach on San Cristobal
Galapagos Fish Market
The beautifully happy people at the fish market in Puerto Ayora on Santa Cruz
Puerto Ayora Pier at Sunrise
Puerto Ayora Pier at Sunrise
Marine Iguanas
How Many Iguanas do You See?
Flamingo Lake
Flamingo Lake on Isabella Island
Water Taxis
Water Taxis Awaiting You in Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz
Giant Tortoise
Slowly Roaming Giant Tortoise
Iguana Sunbathing after a Swim
Marine Iguana Sunbathing After A Swim
Crabs Were My Least Favorite Ocean Animal I encountered
Los Tuneles Landscape
Stunning Lava Landscape on Los Tuneles
Sharks and Manta Rays
Galapagos Sharks and Manta Rays on Los Tintoreras, Isabela Island
Isabella Sunset
Isabela Sunsets Were Perfect
Isabela Beach
Isabela Island Beaches Stretch As Far as the Eye Can See and Are the Best Places to Watch the Sunset
Sea Turtle Swimming
How Long Do Sea Turtles Live?
Blue Footed Booby With Two Eggs
Blue Footed Booby With Two Eggs
Giant Tortoise
Giant Tortoise Reaching out for a bite to eat
Surfers at Playa Tortuga Bay
Always say yes to sitting on the bow of the boat
Baby Blue Footed Boobie
A Baby Blue Footed Booby Stretching His/hers wings
watching the waves roll in
I could’ve Sat here all day watching the waves roll in

The landscape of the Galapagos is unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. These photos do it little justice, it’s definitely something to see for yourself. If you need help planning your adventure to the Galapagos here are my practical tips and how I DIY’d the islands without a cruise!


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