five fun facts about me

I’m forever hunting for the perfect matcha latte (and sharing with you my discoveries).
I’m outdoorsy in the sense that I love being outdoors (hiking, swimming in lakes, surfing) and then returning to a cozy bed after a warm shower.
My two black cats name Frankie and Jax, make regular appearances on my Instagram stories when I’m home.
I’m a yoga teacher, but I decided that I would not make it into a business, it’s something I do for the pure enjoyment of the practice.
Perhaps most importantly, I have a love affair with Ireland, although I’m not sure Ireland knows.
Oh and I quit my job in 2017 to begin traveling for a year in 2018. I shocked myself by making it 10 months before the budget ran out from my adventures in South America and Europe.
At the end of 2018, I returned home to my cats and California to get a job to refill my bank account, build this blog, and continue to travel.